Artists that vomit the politically correct mantras that are approved by the splc,adl, etc... are condemned here as leftist marxism. Now we have an artist that has a light shining on an inflatable pig which is actually a pre programmed gel shape in the majority of concert lighting effects and someone takes a picture of it just at the right time and now he is an anti semite. Nice....
Even if the statement was interpreted correctly, who cares. Is he having press conferences where he is calling for jews to be exterminated? No he isnt. Is he making anti jew statements? No he isnt, at least nit any more than jews make anti white statements. For what it is worth, Waters has recently spoken out against Greece’s Golden Dawn. This is the Greek nationalist party that is helping the indigeonous Greeks being discriminated by their own country. By stating Greece for Greeks, Golden Dawn is demonized as neo nazis. Waters has made derogatory comments about Golden Dawn so he obviously isnt right wing.
—Waters has made derogatory comments about Golden Dawn so he obviously isnt right wing.—
He’s a hardcore hereditary socialist.
He also has been living on his laurels as an artist since 1982, having put out nothing memorable since then.
People paying upwards of 200 bucks to see the world’s largest batch of HDTVs while Waters and his band of Pink Floyd replacement bots play the same old songs from 1979 are fools easily separated from their money.