No, the crotch is also on the body. The term “crotch rot” doesn’t refer to clothing.
You managed to miss the entire post AND be disgusting, arvimentive for rhe sake of the vernacular terms of an STD
Honestly, FR can be so stupid and base
Any more from you and i’ll have to suggest professional help or at least to put away the crap you’re reading and viewing and get more educated
We have enough of your brand of thinking from the libertine cynical wimps NY ers who don’t care about this guy and his MB wife threatening to take over NYC
Oh, once again i am reminded of why i moved out of my out of my native land- expensive, dirty, full of ignoramuses-who -thinn-they-run-the - center-of -the - universe but can’t manage to hold onto the wonderful city my forefathers helped put together in the face of too much money and a handful of Muz B and al q operatives ‘oh ues mr weiner, you can bring you can show your penis to the world AND bring the mus bro hood into the first lady spot. Yes whatever you want. We are NYers. We dont care. We will fight for the right to correct people when we can suspect them of being wrong on on minute technocalities, but we have no stomach for keeping muzzies out of leadership