It already is. If you take the picture in this article, and drag it to the google image search bar, it will tell you to drop the image, and then it will search for a face match. It finds dozens of places where this exact picture is posted.
In this case, the “visually similar” images don’t match well; I think if you did a crop for just her face, you might find her easier.
This works better though with exact picture matches, so it is good for taking people’s avatars and using them to find out where they really post to (many people use their facebook profile picture for their avatar in other areas).
Just dress like an Obot and call her on her racism and she will confess she is a obot so as to not wanting to be called a racist by you who is pretending to be an Obot, make sure you get her on camera and BAM you can have a fun with youtube.
Are you kidding me? Something like that exists on the net?