What powers do the Royals have? (I’m seriously asking)
Depends what you call powers. Theoretically, the monarch still rules and the government runs things at his or her pleasure. Practically, that means that the Prime Minister keeps the monarch in the loop on what's going on, and might listen to their opinion, but that's about it. One reason the monarchy survives is that they've learned not to interfere.
On the other hand, they do a lot of charitable work and they draw attention to their pet causes by their presence, so there's that.
If they're smart, and some are, royals have the power to set examples for the people to follow. During WW2, the royal family stayed in LOndon, while many "commoners" sent their children to the country, far from harm.
Teenaged Elizabeth, now queen, gave talks on the radio that were actually quite uplifting. They joined in efforts to give the bombed and beleaguered Brits comfort during the wartime effort by joining in Red Cross activities, etc. Holding hands of and being there for the people. Brave of them and appreciated by the people. .
I saw an exhibit of these activities and heard Elizabeth's speeches at the museum in Victoria, British Columbia, Canada about 10 years ago. Unforgettable.
What would Barry do? Not anywhere near as well as the royals. WE heard him mumble thru his Trayvon speech and watched the rioters gather to pursue his dream.
I hope Kate will raise brave, strong children. Bet she will. The Welsh are extraordinarily tough.