What we’re now seeing with regard to SYG and right-to-carry would have happened regardless of the verdict.
That GZ was found not guilty has the Left’s collective knickers in a twist and they’re showing themselves to be the spoiled children they are.
When progressive freakazoid Flint Taylor wrote:" The Zimmerman jury decided that a white police wannabe could justifiably profile an unarmed African-American 17-year-old as a criminal, hunt him down, and fatally shoot him."
Some "uncompassionate" types described Taylor as a hopeless ignoramus, a shameless liar, an incurable guilt-ridden, self-loathing white fool.
I say give the progs a frickin'break----the Trayvon killing is one of the few times they get to "feel good about themselves." Oh happy day----those cold lifeless gonads were all a-tingling when the Zimmerman verdict came in.
Eric Holder was up first---exposing himself to the feel-good NAACP convention goers...promising wholesale revenge against the white culture that killed their "child" hero.
And who can forget? The very first thing Holder did as AG was to tell us we were a "nation of cowards" WRT race.....putdown cheered on by America-hating Obama, gonads all a-tingle, of course.
Mmmmmmm.....tingle tingle tingle.....having a dead black troublemaker to whine over sure feels good in their nether regions (cackle).