The mainstream media has these low info voters like puppets on a string. and the media has many conservatives (on here too) also like puppets on a string focusing on this Trayvon circus bs, one out of thousands of deaths, not even a crime etc.
MLK’s spawn aren’t happy because they want a revenue-sharing deal
Shall we start a pool on how long it will be before we see Obama wearing a hoodie at a presser?
The MSM has but one agenda. Divide America and make their elite owners all powerful.
They pit one average American against another while their elite owners count their profits and money and power.
MLK would never wear a hoodie. He was a well-educated man who always appeared in public in a coat and tie, well-groomed. He does not compare to a kid who sprays graffiti, “somehow” comes into possession of stolen goods and gets school suspensions.
It got out of hand as soon as they filed charges against George. All the didiot trayvonistas toting signs “we are trayvon”, are liars. If they were “st. t” they would be lying on the ground with a hole in their chest. If they are talking about before his demise then they are thieving punks high on weed or some purple drank.
I don’t recall ever having seen any reports of MLK straddling *anyone*,white,brown,yellow or red....and beating the tar out of him/her.
Why not make him look ominous. The progressives don’t respect anything he said or stood for.
There are enough racial chips on (mostly black) shoulders today to fill a Frito-Lay factory.
Well, what could have been expected out of Barack Obama? Because of the color of his POLITICS, the color of his SKIN has become an ugly factor which never needed to be. You’d not be seeing hysteria like this if, say, Herman Cain had become president.
Barf. Even when MLK was sprayed by fire hoses and attacked by hounds he never fought back. Drevon attacked a man for no reason just because he found him creepy.
It is amazing how many people who idolize MLK Jr, have no idea what his message was.
MLK believed in non-violence......St. Skittles jumped a man and smashed bis head repeatedly into the cement because he was a cracka.
Yeah, I see the similarities/s
These people are certifiably insane (no sarc tag)
I think MLK would tell the black (mis)leaders (Jessie, Al, Louis and Obama) that Trayvon is a THUG. MLK must be rolling over in his grave to see what he fought for, being used against the USA.
This is getting out-of-hand.
Whatever! We don't care!
Van Jones and his ilk would spit in MLK’s face if he was still here. MLK is considered nothing but a prop by the likes of the Al Sharptons.