It's been less than a year. He was 46. An autopsy is going to be done to see whether the beating played a role in his death.
The 6 teenagers who beat him were black.
Was wondering if they were ferals.
Don’t even know why I wasted a single second speculating otherwise...
OMG! What a coincidence!
Yes the 6 teens who beat him were black.
Taught racism from the moment of their birth.
The real people at fault here are the parents and other familial relationships who teach racial hate to these children from birth. Just another generation of feral teens who will teach their own offspring one day that Whitey is the reason for all their problems.
Not the fact that Mama is a breeding machine. The daddy whoever he is just wants to get a nut and has no love for Mama. Not the fact that mama is on welfare the third generation of it, that she left school pregnant or without an education because she would rather use dope and screw than study. They live in a HUD community provide for by our taxes, and they hate us for providing it. Feral Youth, Yes thousands of them, Millions. All fed hate by their parents and community, and religious scholars like Jesse Jackass and Al Sharptongue.