I’m standing with Rand. Do you want a Bush? Tell me why ,in light of the past? And Rubio? You are kidding. He and “Paul Lying”
are politically finished. Who else you got? Yes, Perry has a heads up Chance but he is as stupid as a creosote soaked fence post. This Doctor Paul is our man — hands down.
“Im standing with Rand. Do you want a Bush?”
Do I want a Bush? No, not really. But I at least want an electable candidate. One that has an actual chance of winning a Presidential election. That ABSOLUTELY does NOT include Rand or his infamous father. Most CONSERVATIVES would laugh out loud at the thought of either being elected to this nations highest office. BTW, the term “CONSERVATIVE” does NOT apply to the famous Doctor or his ilk.
Geez, it is like going back in time. These PaulBots just never stop. But they are very misguided. Both Ron & Rand have about as much chance of becoming POTUS as I do. If a vote were held today, just on Freerepublic, could either be elected? Not a chance. I would predict each might get around 5% of the vote. And that is just on FR. What do you suppose the result will be in a real national election??
It just never ends with these people. If you yell louder, and more often, you voice must somehow carry more weight. You might be able to intimidate limp wristed liberals (of which I classify BOTH Pauls) with your tactics, but not real Conservatives.
Ron Paul was an absolute embarrassment during the last election cycle. I expect no less from his offsping this time either. He will get around 5% of the LIBERAL/LIBERTARIAN vote and then claim some sort of moral victory.
How these people are elected to a position higher than Dog Catcher is the real mystery.