I just gotta ask... what job does he have that would not cut him a little slack to be late when he’s waiting on the cops to turn over a burglar he has hogtied in his yard?
Is he really that critical?
Lovin it.
If less than seven seconds, it may be some kind of a record.
With a loaded weapon, I hope. No telling if the perp had a knife and could wriggle around to get at it to cut himself loose... and he left his wife alone with this guy?
Oh, wait - but then the cops would have shot her.
Never mind...
What a sweetheart! Pregnant wife, and he gives her a present, all tied up in a bow on the front lawn!
Mrs. Palin? That’s what you call a Pappa Bear.
He’ll probably be arrested and convicted of unwarrented restraint/kidnapping.
I just hope Mr. Hog Tie’s feelings weren’t hurt! That would be too sad.
I hate to say this, but I am glad that he’s white. That makes it funny. With the Zimmerman trial going on in the background and the poverty pimps doing everything they can to fan the flames of anger, there is no question that every media would scream like banshees if he had been black.
Biden will be encouraging all burgled home owners to do this...in lieu of using a shotgun.
This homeowner got lucky. Real lucky. I wouldn’t recommend any average person to do this unless they are in the WWF.
Hope he bulldogged him first. Unfortunate that he never got to brand him.