Funny how the bills in the senate and the house have been championed almost 100% by republicans. Once they become law and the general public realizes that its a total sham, the democrats will just blame it on the republicans.
Its brilliant! Lucy with the football yet again...
You’re prob. still ref: low-info. voters....on BOTH sides.
Unfortunately, the DEM camp votes in lock step. The GOP, for the most part, do the same.
It’s those of us that (can) see past the party affiliation that make the difference.
I was, one of few, who didn’t vote for the (D) or (R) presidential ticket, as I saw not a dimes worth of difference between the two Liberals (but, OH, listen to the howls of the (R) plantation, even here)
If there is one thing the DEMs are good for, is keep their plantation still on the plantation. I have YET to hear of anything BUT lip-service from the opposition party
Contemplating things further, it’s not ‘funny’ in the least.
Congress passes ‘law’ upon ‘law’ that is never enforced, but expects, every 2 years, for the suckers to pony up $$ to re-elect the same son-of-bitches that allowed SOME (Animal Farm reference: Pigs) to get away with ‘murder’ (violate our intimation laws, reduce our wages (unskilled), document fraud for SS, W-2, etc.).
Hey, GOP, since you’re ‘posed to represent ME, and those that put you into office...What do *I* get in this deal? Greater unemployment? Reduced wages? A Rule of Law that is pandered? Disenfranchisement of those that PAY taxes?