This leads right up to the present occupant of the White House. There has never been a more racially divisive president in the history of our republic.
[[This leads right up to the present occupant of the White House. There has never been a more racially divisive president in the history of our republic.]]
Exactly- what he did in htis case alone should have been enough to turn America from supportign him- He BLATANTLY tried to stoke the flames of racial hatred- did his damage, and then dissappeared when all the damage was done-
Any DECENT president woudl have been calling for calm, woudl have WARNED the black panther movement who issued death htreats that the fedetral govenrment owuld NOT tolorate such vigilantism- and would have demanded that proper charges be filed, asnd if none coudl be filed, then george shoudl have been let go because he was already foudn innocent by an investigation
But nope=- not htis president- Not htis antiamerican president- He was all too ready to further divide htis coutnry and to put george zimmerman’s life at risk because he thouight george was white at that time-