Good info . but do we leave the USA and let the communists/democrats have it or do we stay and fight?
Look at Detroit....
That is a real tangible reality that waits for you...
Didn’t you have forefathers from far away lands seeking here what no longer exists here?
You need to rethink the fight...what are you planning to fight for?
Lower taxes...isn’t going to happen...
Sensible health care?
Rights for white heterosexual males?
Gun and ammo rights?
More government martial law...ala Boston terror?
Preventing the government from confiscating your 401k or IRA?
State rights?
Look closely to Detroit, St. Louis, Sacremento, Chicago, name a few bankrupt cities
Have you ever thought about when the EBT card program runs out, SS , disability runs out....what the “gimmie dats” are going to do?
It’s going to crash, the Feds have destroyed the dollar, less people are working, the tax base is shrinking, more people lining up for hand outs...
What are you going to fight or?