McKeown has a right to be a stupid jerk. He doesn’t have the right to be a stupid jerk in Bass’s restaurant.
That is the problem with anti-discrimination laws. They destroy the right to freedom of association. I am in agreement with Sowell and Williams (both black, if you didn’t know) who say private businesses and individuals should be able to refuse to do business with anyone on any basis, even skin color. Most businesses are quite happy to do business with almost anyone, as long as their money is good.
Anti-discrimination laws concerning race were the camel’s nose under the tent. Now we have Christians being sued for not renting rooms to homosexuals or providing services for their “weddings”.
If racists want to be racist, they will just lose out to other businesses that are not. Government was main culprit in discrimination in the South in the form of the Jim Crow laws. As usual, government is the root of most of our ills.