When this fat couch potato said Trayvon, if he intended to start a fight, would have told her he’d call her back when the fight was over. West should have asked “How many times did he ever call you back after he’d started a fight?” If she answered “Never” then what makes her think he would have that night. The only other possible answer shows she knows Trayvon went around starting fights then called her back and told her all about them.
That's why she said he was a "creepy ass cracker." When asked about it today, she said that was said because GZ might have been a "pervert."
She goaded him into attacking GZ by questioning his manhood, wondering whether he would let himself be stalked by a homo.
That's also why she didn't call the police; she probably thought TM would kick the white homo's butt and alerting the authorities would be snitching.
That’s a good point.