Look, I'm not arguing for homosexual marriage
— I am arguing that giving more power to the Feral Government is a mistake because it will be abused, get that through you skull.
Your second argument is that laws protecting marriage may be ignored anyway so please dont pass any, dont even amend the constitution to protect marriage?
Cute. In the end, you have one result that you fight to obtain, the end of marriage.
No, I'm arguing that any 'laws' on the subject will either (A) be ignored [as the case with the photographer shows], or (B) be twisted to support the judge's political position — that is why I'd much rather see this handles as civil cases rather than criminal. But you, and folk like you, wish to make everything into a law — Obamacare is a result of that mentality.
Why should I go down a road like that when I find the worship of the State as god to be repugnant?
Go worship at your tin god's feet, I'm sure he'll have laws that allow you to prostrate before his ever-benevolent gaze. [/sarc]
It will be interesting to watch as your rage and buckets of insults and personal attacks grow as you pretend to not be passionately dedicated to fighting the conservative protection of marriage, already you are laying it on heavily.