Sickening in the extreme.
Where is the tribute to those who quietly serve as the overwhelming majority, those who manage life long to keep their sexual proclivities to themselves.
The analogy of progressivism being a religion is starting to demonstrate some striking parallels to any fundamental religion. They force upon others their beliefs rather than using convincing ideas. Imagine a memo to the military honoring Christmas as the birth if Christ. "They" are in control, so "their" religion is OK, but Christian beliefs or any group's beliefs contrary to theirs are not tolerated. (Example: I don't personally "believe in" gay rights, I find the concept offensive and counter to my personal beliefs...and therefore I am offended by the military I pay for promoting gay rights). Progressivism is intolerant in any deviation from its religious precepts. Why do they continue to bring back global warming, gay marriage, gun control, food control, immigration...again and again? These are their "church's" bylaws and the accepted commandments to follow and "believe in." (Example: "I don't believe in guns.")
It is time to declare Progressivism a religion...and implement the same [bogus] "separation of church and state" argument (Their precept) to stop their intolerance of others.