After shooting the family pet, and ignoring the beware of dog sign on the fence, while waiting for animal control to arrive to take the pet off, officers demanded to see the owner’s licenses for the family pets.
I’m sure that since the family has released video of the incident, now the police will be showing up to wonder where their license is for the video camera, or why no signs were posted warning officers that their actions would be recorded?
Oh, right, that’s how this goes; in the name of ‘investigating the incident’, officers will show up and ‘take into evidence’ the camera, the recorder, and anything else that might embarrass the department. Hopefully the family has sensibly already made copies of the video and distributed to unknown parties... And at the same time installed a second video system to capture the seizing of the first.
People with fenceable yards should always keep a sacrificial dog as protection against family members or passersby being shot by police.