Posted on 06/23/2013 8:14:12 AM PDT by markomalley
Former U.S. National Security Agency contractor Edward Snowden will fly from Moscow to Cuba on Monday and then plans to go to Venezuela, a source at the Russian airline Aeroflot said on Sunday.
The source said Snowden was already on his way to Moscow from Hong Kong and would leave for Havana within 24 hours.
The South China Morning Post also reported that Snowden had left Hong Kong for Moscow and that his final destination might be Ecuador or Iceland. The WikiLeaks anti-secrecy website said Snowden was heading for an unnamed "democratic nation".
The flight to Moscow prompted speculation that Snowden might remain in Russia, whose leaders accuse the United States of double standards on democracy and have championed public figures who challenge Western governments.
But Putin's spokesman, Dmitry Peskov, said he was unaware of Snowden's plans and the Foreign Ministry declined immediate comment on whether he had asked for asylum.
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What choice did he have? Could he rely on the Constitution to protect his whistle-blowing. Would Citizenship prevent water-boarding, secret courts and offer a right to fair hearing.
Nah. He's on administrative leave
I suspect that on top of his other crimes, Snowden is going to fail to file his 2013 Form 1040!
Ecuadors Foreign Minister Ricardo Patino Aroca has tweeted: The Government of Ecuador has received an asylum request from Edward J. Snowden.
Like Snowden said, consent of the governed is not consent if the governed are intentionally mis-informed by the governing.
Learning Russian is hard, but not hard enough to make me want to live in Venezuela rather than Moscow.
He’s an Obama voter (although he leaked because he is miffed about Obama breaking some election promises).
He may get an audit and thrown under the bus yet!
What country is Obama an agent of?
Is Hell a country?
No, this was done intentionally to remind Americans how far it is willing to go to ensure no one rises up against the government.
I am thinking about the same. The timing of Snowden is all to convenient. His hot girl-friend, his Hollywood type interview.
I of the mind that Snowden is somehow working for Obamas team. Of course, that still makes him a traitor (along with most in this administration)
Snowden’s revealing Obama led corruption is doing service to our country.
It is giving a view of the TOTALITY of the corruption and growing abuse of power that are threatening our very freedom. And there is still much more we do not know about. We are pretty far down the slippery slope at this point, but not quite yet beyond the point of no return.
How much more evidence is needed before impeachment becomes a serious option?
I cant imagine him doing more damage than Obama has already done.
Exactly! This is all for show.
Especially Aeroflot.
I don’t believe he’s headed for Venezuala either, unless he was just naïve that he was backed into a corner by whoever is helping him.
If he was a traitor and in in for the money, why would have have gone so public? He could quietly have sold secrrets for years and then faked his own death and moved somewhere else if he thought he’d been caught. The fact that he went public with his own name causes me to still believe he was just trying to call attention to what our government was doing to us (and what was really no secret except to low info voters in all countries).
I too believe and hope that Venezuela is just another disinformatijon story, and we’ll hear from him in some other country completely.I’m guessing Ecuador.
My theory that I think is least probable, but still possible, as as someone else said, he is actually a plant working for Obama to basically tell Americans “Big Brother is watching you” (especially any Senators/Congressmen who don’t already know) and to show Americans how powerful Obama is already, and to strike more intimidation into us.
I don’t really believe that though. Just the way he went all about this I think he really is trying to bring this who mess to the attention of the world at great risk to himself.
That is certainly a different tact ... LOL
< Nice post. I think Snowjob may even be a plant. Start sowing the ground now so when deeper stuff comes out they can say its old news. Of course I dont believe anything I am told by the USSA media and wickedness rules right now so I suspect Ed is not what he says he is one way of the other. >
This is what I’m thinking. What better “flexibility” is there than to find some stooge who wants to play ‘Double-Agent,’ and then use him to sell national secrets to China, Russia, Cuba, and every Communist country in between? Promise him whatever he wants, then eliminate him after his treasonous job is complete. Obama gets to play Hero when Snowman is captured (”Oops, he accidentally fell from the plane, i swear.”). Bin Laden Part II.
Then, on top of everything else, since we are considering such “plausible” scenarios as the boy being an Obama plant, there is the matter of his family name: is Snowden snowing us?
Obama is the issue. Corrupy Alphabet agencies are symptomatic. Can we engage this under RICO statutes?
That’s a fair question to ask. The MSM is totally in the Clinton camp so you make a good point.
If he were truly noble. He would not go to a country that is a sworn enemy of the United States like Venezuela. He would have went to a neutral country like Iceland. If the story is true that he is going there our government should terminate him with extreme prejudice. After we have secured the laptops of course...
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