Your first sentence says it all. Rubio “looked” straight up.
At first glance, he said all the right things; got in good with the right people. But if you took a good look at the things he had done in the FL legislature, you would see that tough illegal immigration bills never made it to the floor of the Florida House which was his doing as FL House Speaker. You heard him disagree with Jan Brewer and the Arizona immigration law. All the signs were right there for anyone who wanted to see them. It is just so hard for people to imagine that they have been duped. They will come up with almost any reason that what is in front of their faces can’t possibly be the truth.
After all, who are you going to believe, the clean, well spoken, amnesty loving hispanic or your lying eyes?
As you know the Cubans were actually true refugees having escaped the castro brothers. One more reason why Rubio was so appealing.
But, it seems the minute he got in the Senate and started hanging with the worst of the rinos, linda, mcqueeg and the rest he was history.He's history now.