I personally think the fence is a very ineffective idea.
It would be hard on the tax payers and stop nothing.
If I were President, I would lean very hard on El Presidente.
People come here because there is better opportunity than in Mexico.
When I get SA’s bitching about us, I say you should bitch about your own homeland!
Your anger is misplaced!
If those folks had futures in their homelands, they would not come here.
I'd have the ILLEGAL Aliens, includinmg the one defiling the Oval Office, do two years hard labor building a 100 foot high fence between the U.S. and Mexico, wide enough to drive two military tanks on side by side.
Those who don't want the fence, don't
read the Bible about unwalled villages.
Those who don't want fences, don't want security.
Prisoners work cheap.
And if that doesn't convince them to OBEY THE LAW and come LEGALLY, then bury them.