I’m a firm believer in Christianity being far more vocal about politics than they are now but I don’t want them in office acting as clergymen.
My congressman is a Baptist minister but will not preach on the floor of the house. He gave the invocation on the house floor 1 time when he was invited to do so but otherwise stays away from religion unless some legislation deals with it.
I was refering to this:
“It disgusts me that clowns like McCain and Graham complain about us extremists while democrat policies are leading to young children being kicked out of school for pointing their fingers like guns. Nancy Pelosi is calling late term abortion Sacred. And McCain himself is acting as the spokesman for Obama and Al Qeada at the same time hes supporting a border erasure bill that will cost us trillions.”
Just outstanding!
I think nothing chases voters away from a candidate faster than when that candidate starts to mix his/her views with religion. Many Americans want their politics and religion to be publicly separate, however, they do want religious values to be the guide for decisions. Politicians make a lot of us uneasy when they start talking like a pastor. This is the major reason, I believe, that the Constitution party has floundered.