Disgusting stinking Oslama more like.
74%? So, what does that prove? This was always true, and yet the idiots still re-elected him.
The alphabet networks will dismiss all of this and say that FOX has a conservative bias. These scandals are scaring the Democratic Party leadership and don’t think they’re more than a little concerned about the congressional elections a year and a half from now.
... but a majority still personally “like” Obama, think he’s “a nice guy”.
55% said they dont give a rats ass because they pay no taxes and are taking big money from the government in food stamps, income supplements, welfare, etc etc.
Keep loading the torpedoes.
I’m not sure those numbers are accurate; rather, I’m not sure the statements containing the numbers are accurate. People might very well believe those things, but do they attach Obama to them at all? Do they connect Obama to Bengahzi, or the other various scandals? Do they know Obama=White House? Or Administration? I have my doubts.
Baraq’s done anyway.
It’s gonna be all about rehabbing Hillary.
The media is already having an orgasm over the “bipartisan”
Hillary/NJ Fatboy combo.
Now that Obama plans to arm Al Qaeda in Syria maybe the morons we wake up.
If there are no strong voices in Congress to bring down the traitor...his popularity with the general public is irrelevant.
What we in the hinterland see going on (which is probably pretty accurate) is not what the inside the beltway folks see. And until the next election, we in the hinterland are just not important...and Washington knows it.
We are in the middle of a coup wherein the Communists are making their move.
In the final analysis...after perhaps millions are dead...Communism will once again lose.
Communism just doesn't work...but it's adherents will keep trying to make it work until judgment day comes (which might not be so far in the future after all).
51% would vote for the Marxist again if another election were held today. 100% of those 51% think they’re not racist and the Marxist is an “incredibly intelligent” black man.
How is he “sinking”? How does that affect him at all? He’s got at least half the GOPe ready to flood the nation with illegal foreign invader voters, he’s got no chance of being indicted or removed from power even if he starts sending goon squads to drag opponents to the camps....
how is he sinking?
just some ephemeral polling numbers that a good MSM blitz will fix?
Soon millions of Americans will open their health-insurance bills and find they’ve doubled under ObamaCare. Will Obama’s approval numbers still remain in the 50% range then?
Barack Obama is like a snake-oil salesman who sells a cure for baldness but says its effects won’t be felt until a date four years in the future. Everything will be fine for the four years of waiting, but when the snake-oil salesman’s customers find that their bald heads are still completely bald on the promised date, and worse, have boils all over them, that’s when the snake-oil salesman will be driven out of town on a rail.
Low-information voters by definition don’t have enough information to understand what’s about to happen to them under ObamaCare. But when they find out they’ve been defrauded, things will never be the same for Obama and his Democratic supporters.
I’ll be really surprised if he is ever held accountable for anything. Fact is, he has outlived his usefulness and especially if the rats can’t regain the house, he’ll be gone after that. Maybe not out of office but similar to what we have now until his term is up. Golf and denials and the press in his back pocket. His only job will be to help set the stage for Hillary or Christie. The next brotherhood approved canidate.
Problem is, the majority of Americans don’t see a problem with these poll percentages. They would vote for him again in a heartbeat.
polls are little needles they use to inject things into your minds.