Do you happen to have a source for the info you just stated? Would you mind sharing?
Which information ?
The reporter who connected the paperwork about the jewelry in the backpack was , as I recall , from a newspaper in Miami. This backtrack by the reporter occurred several months after the assault incident .
The police had recieved the backpack (including a bag of jewelry) after school security apprehended Travon when he had marijuana in his possession on school grounds .
There would have been a CR ( Crime Report number) associated with that apprehension by school security .
There was no known police follow up on the backpack as it preceeded the assault by several months .
Additional information on this issue also included the fact that the Police Chief tried to minimize notariety of criminal issues arising at the school.
The reporter took the CR to the police property clerk which identified the backpack as belonging to Travon and the original apprehension on school grounds .
I beleive all the information is contained in FreeRepblic archives , although I don’t recall the source , nor had I made copies for futrue consideration .