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To: rightwingintelligentsia

Another political hack in a national security position is their M.O.

The Obama gang is turning national security into political security. They are using resources designed to protect our country from foreign threats into agencies to persecute their internal political enemies.
And even as the news of this comes out, they show no remorse and are doubling down.

For the dims this is all about game match and set while the repubs are sitting on their hands and some are actually cooperating with them.

27 posted on 06/12/2013 1:35:07 PM PDT by Texas resident (Watch the other hand.)
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To: Texas resident

This type of government agency partisanship is common in many countries but basically new to the US. What it produces will not be welcomed by its proponents. Agencies may well align against them effectively eliminating their influence and support from those agencies. In such environment it ultimately boils down to who has the most credible and reliable means of retaliation. Usually it is the country’s intelligence and military communities.

I don’t think this administration realizes the gravity of what they’re doing. Agencies aren’t fungible like a cabinet position or judicial nomination. They have their own culture and priorites.

For partisan control of agencies to be successful usually requires a free-wheeling covert organization operating to vigorously quell resistance such as the Soviets had with the NKVD. Perhaps such an organization already exists? The death of William Colby and near-death of Sen Inhoffe (OK) during the Clinton admin makes me suspect it does exists.

72 posted on 06/13/2013 4:03:24 AM PDT by Justa
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To: Texas resident

“...while the repubs are sitting on their hands and some are actually cooperating with them....”

Repubs have crawled under their desks, hands over their heads and quivering in fear due to the odongo PRISM weapon. Blackmail is a powerful tool against a sitting politician, especially gutless ones to start with. It would not be surprising to find out PRISM was used to take out Herman Cain, Patreas, Romney and our new Benedict Arnold: John Roberts. They all know if they say anything, or don’t cooperate, they will likely be next. Odongo has em right where he wants em.

80 posted on 06/13/2013 10:15:26 AM PDT by lgjhn23 (It's easy to be liberal when you're dumber than a box of rocks.)
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