Until fools like you get the fact that we are at war with an enemy who is determined to win, I have nothing but contempt for your argument. The constitution you so piously expound recognized the first obligation of the government is the security of the nation..not giving every yahoo out there the ability to become a traitor when placed in a position of national trust..
Yes. By the Enemy Within. YOU are the one who's deluded. WAKE UP!
Until fools like you get the fact that we are at war with an enemy who is determined to win, I have nothing but contempt for your argument.
YOU, Sir, are at blind as a bat. And the damned fool. We have a subversive governance who's on record as having singled out conservative America as THEIR enemy; NOT Islam.
They've been caught with their hand in the cookie jar as they violate our 4th Amendment rights, restrict our 1st Amendment rights, and kneecap our 2nd Amendment rights. And here you are, another dupe, buying 0dinga's, Holder's, and Big Sis's war on We The People.
I'll have none of it. Your ignorance, illogic, and simple-minded naivete make you and you misguided loyalty is a disgrace to MY country, and MY fellow citizens.