Posted on 06/05/2013 8:09:38 AM PDT by Deo volente
As we mentioned in an earlier editorial about her possible appointment as secretary of state, "In 1996, while serving as assistant secretary of state for African affairs under former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright, Rice helped persuade President Clinton to rebuff Sudan's offer to turn Osama bin Laden, who was then living there, over to U.S. authorities."
Richard Miniter, author of the book "Losing bin Laden," told World Magazine in 2003 that Rice played a primary role in scuttling the deal in which Sudan could have turned over bin Laden to the U.S.
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In the op-ed, Carney and Ijaz wrote that Rice and Richard Clarke persuaded Clinton National Security Advisor Sandy Berger to overrule Albright on the Sudanese terrorism overtures to turn Osama bin Laden over to us.
There is a group. With sandy "the hamburgler" berger leading the pack. ugh.
Now, on this broadcast one month ago we were talking about Susan Rice, and the Curious Case of Susan Rice.
You know who Susan Rice is --- if you don't know you're going to know within the next five minutes who she is. This is a woman with a very flamboyant personality. She's known for being abrasive, for being judgmental, for being difficult, and this is the woman who as you already know, went on the Sunday Morning shows and talked about the "video" being the cause for the last minute uprising in Benghazi that killed four Americans including our Ambassador. Of course, it turns out that none of that none of that was true.
Turned out that the video was not the cause. It was not an immediate uprising, and it was Al Qaeda. And we now know this.
You'll recall that Hillary Clinton went on and said "It's the video. We apologize for the video. The video is despicable. We in America should never allow the video to be shown." She said it with vastly less enthusiasm than I just said. She had that very weird talk where she appears to be medicated heavily.
The video. The video. Well, Susan Rice has a little bit of a history with Osama bin Laden. I don't know if you know that --- not a good history. She was the person as we know out there with the altered Benghazi talking points. It was Susan Rice --- one in the same --- who played a very key role in blocking the attempts by Sudan to turn over Osama bin Laden to the Clinton administration. This is someone who has always turned a blind eye --- always been clueless about the reality of terror.
Now, I said to you one month ago that Susan Rice would never be put forward by this president as Secretary of State and there's a very good reason why. Too many questions about Benghazi would be asked, and this administration could never have that.
Now, it gets worse and follow the plot here, because if you're wondering why the narrative about the video tape --- and many of you already know the answer --- well, we now have smoking guns in it.
Well, we know a little bit more about her as well, by the way. When she was assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs under Madeline Albright, Susan Rice helped persuade president Clinton to turn down Osama bin Laden, who was offered to Clinton. And there's a book by Richard Miniter called, "Losing bin Laden", and it turns out that Rice played the primary role in scuttling the deal in which Sudan would have turned over bin Laden to the United States pre-9/11. That was in '96-97. The FBI had their terrorism data, and Susan Rice over-ruled the FBI every time they wanted to get bin Laden.
She was also instrumental in the Clinton Administration's remaining uninvolved in the Rwandan genocide that took place in that nation in '94, including an article in the Atlantic written by Samantha Power , of all people, called "Bystanders to Genocide" and here's the key. Here's the money phrase: Susan Rice is quoted as saying, "If we use the word genocide and are seen as doing nothing what will the affect on the November Congressional election be? In other words, this is somebody who had her eye on election results, and it makes you ask the next question: When she was out there talking about video tapes, had a similar calculation regarding Benghazi and Obama's chances of re-election 2012 --- had that already been taken into consideration?
These are not racist questions, these are just little things, little facts about Susan Rice. This is a woman who is widely seen by many to have a sort of personality disorder, a temper, temperament problems. She's talked about by her critics and in the press as "brusque, or aggressive", " undiplomatic in the extreme" one called here which is a great resume enhancement for someone who's a diplomat --- undiplomatic.
She's 48 years old. She's very wealthy. There's this story about her making a certain hand gesture to her colleague Richard Holbrooke during some high level meeting which shocked everyone who was present.
As I told you back then --- what's that, Sir? It was a hand gesture that I'm not going to describe on Christmas Eve because there's a family program here.
But Susan Rice was never going to be put forth because she was right there in the cat bird seat about Benghazi. So she withdrew her name, the idea being that it would spare Obama the embarrassment of acknowledging that there were people --- McCain and Graham --- who were going to ask a lot of questions about her upcoming hearings, which now, of course, would never be taking place.
Here's what really happened, according to my own theories. The only conceivable explanation is that Obama, our Dear Leader, threw her under the bus, too. He never had any intention of nominating her. She had become a reason to keep the Benghazi story alive. So, we've got today's chapter For Whom the Bus Rolls.
Now, why that would bother him at this juncture is anybody's guess --- anybody's guess, because it looked for a few moments like he was going to poke his finger in the republicans' eye. "I'll appoint anyone I want," was his attitude --- but he did not want the Benghazi story kept going. That is what is clear.
Now, she's going to have to be --- she's going to be required to testify before congress.
I come to the curious story of Susan Rice, John Kerry, congress, Benghazi, and Michael Dukakis right after this.
So, we're talking about Susan Rice and this whole idea that she was never, ever, ever going to be nominated for Secretary of State, and it was what we call a "two-for". Obama and his democrat pals, cause they all those nasty white republican men are racist for the way they've treated her --- she was nerve going to be nominated. But the appearance that she withdrew under pressure from these racists --- you remember the story, some of them come from states that had slaves 150 years ago --- those were the stories that were out there.
Now Rice is going to at some point have to go under oath. She's going to be forced to testify before congress. That ought to be very interesting, because somebody's going to crack here. I don't know who. I mean there's Patraeus --- Hillary is still, Hillary who we're told will be the next president by experts --- Hillary has still not turned up. I mean, they read this report and it's a little bit like Leopold and Loeb, it's a little bit like the Menendez brothers trying to get their story straight together.
Look, Susan Rice, let me say it in plain English, she was never going to get the nomination as Secretary of State. She was lead by the nose by this administration, and John Kerry already had the deal in the bag. That's all. That's all. That's all. And Obama thought he could make her look like a little bit of an underdog, and make the republicans look bad and everything. You know, it's all, all, all of it has to do with making the republicans look bad.
Now, here's a name from the past that has popped up. Remember the name Michael Dukakis? He was the 1988 democratic presidential nominee. Get this story from the other day here on The Hill, that Michael Dukakis may be the interim replacement for John Kerry, cause John Kerry will go off and become Secretary of State is the theory --- and that Dukakis is likely to be appointed by Governor Deval Patrick, who's a democrat from Massachusetts.
So now you'll get this whole idea, of course if Dukakis goes to Senate will he wear his helmet? Do any of you remember that commercial of him in the tank with the helmet on? I mean wonders never cease in the Liberal Land of Oz. Ladies and gentlemen, think of it. A senate with both Dukakis and Al Franken in it. It's comic bookends. Comic bookends.
Well, at the end of the day this is all because elections have consequences isn't it? Isn't it? Wait 'til you see, wait 'til you see who Obama drags out to put on the Supreme Court. That's gotta be something. Say yes. Yes, the image of Dukakis wearing the helmet --- the image of John Kerry crawling out of a hatch. What was he wearing? A space suit, or HazMat suit? That's it. That's it. Anyway ...
A valerie operation.
Richard Clarke later served as the Democrats’ front man in their attempt to show that 9/11 happened because of Bush’s negligence.
Of course. Otherwise, we might have gotten actionable information from him, and actionable information might have created a demand for BO to act against his buddies.
Besides, bin laden had become a sort of leadership clog. Al Qaeda is actually stronger with him gone.
What I'd like to know is why and/or what information about UBL did they know at that time to make such a big deal of his presence in the Sudan?
Did a Clinton donor consider UBL's sunflower growing operation a competitive threat? Or was UBL actively supporting/planning terrorists attacks? Or was he a known, but inactive player at the time, that as a foreigner, the Sudanese could easily offer up as an appeasement against the sanctions?
Did Rice also have her eye on a contribution to a paper on terrorism? Was she planning the paper a decade earlier and decided to goose UBL (known from his anti-Soviet Afghanistan days) to see how he'd react to use hopefully, as an example in her academic screed?
The Sudanese did deprive UBL of his assets as the slammed the door on his butt on the way out.
Quotation supplied by Samantha Powers of all people!
Rice is a Total Alynskyite:
1. Telling the truth doesn't matter,
2. The end justifies any means,
3. Politics trumps everything
4. Personal attacks and intimidation are the weapons of choice.
1. AQ had already set off 2 bombs in Aden targeting US troops en route to Somalis (1992).
2. Ramzi Youssef et al bombed WTC, had AQ ties(1993)
3. The massive Bojinka plot (to simultaneously destroy 10 wide-body aircraft over the Pacific) was discovered by accident (fire in the Manila bomb factory). AQ was funding Bojinka (January of 1995)
4. AQ had very large financial resources to draw on.
5. AQ had already announced that Americans were prime targets.
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