At least the Girl Scouts are still thinking about heterosexual relations. The Fabulous Boy Scouts announced that Gerbil Patrol will be a new option for patrol names. </sarc>
“World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts (WAGGGS)”
Oh, I get it. It says ‘World Association’ so we should give a damn.
Is GSUSA the same “Girl Scouts” that sell Girl Scout cookies? If so, I’ve bought my last box of GS cookies.
Because violating the body subordinates God and elevates state control.
Google “Yuri Besmenov videos” to understand how and why all of our social and religious institutions have been systematically destroyed over the past 50 years.
WAGGGS is dominated by European liberals and agenda-driven 3rd worlders,and yes GSUSA is a member of the World Scout Organziation along with 144+ other countires that have Girl Scouts and Guides
But then, so is the uber liberal World Organization of Scouting, of which BSUSA is a member
It is hypocritical to say that GSUSA is just as radical as WAGGGS, because then we would have to say USA is just as radical as the UN, to which we belong and to which we send a great deal of money and even the lives of our soldiers
When you cozy up to the UN for any youth programs ... look out
Both the Baden-Powells must be rolling in their graves over the corruption (largely by wealthy liberal Euro-crats) of their fine ideals for Scouting/Guiding
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Remember to agree with having United Way donations automatically taken out of your paychecks for Girl Scouts, domestic violence feminists and other nonprofit anti-family organizations, or your government-linked corporate bosses will fire you.
I’ll print out the lead of this story and hand it out to the cookie monsters’ mothers.
What does the Girl Scouts organization want to teach young girls?
This is why we now support American Heritage Girls, a conservative alternative to the Girl Scouts.
Dear fatima,
Little Flowers is an alternated for Catholic girls. My daughter participates in this. I’d let her sit at home and comb her hair out of boredom before she EVER becomes a Girl Scout.
I assume you saw this already since I’m a little late to the game, but in case you didn’t here’s a ping-a-ling!
Breaks my heart to see these institutions get all bitched up by Leftwing depravity — male-on-male sex, nascent human killing.