Why? The BSA is, as of this month, a pro-homosexual organization.
“Why? The BSA is, as of this month, a pro-homosexual organization.”
Because in general it is a wonderful program for boys, and there may be a few homo’s that join the scout troops, but believe me, they will keep it to themselves if they are smart. Now scout leaders, that’s another thing. They will prey on the boys, not instruct them, and should never be allowed to be leaders. I have hope that one day, at least in the red states, the BS’s will reverse themselves and ban at least any overtly gay kids from participation in the scouts. That’s why I say get out of blue states, and only have BS troops in Red states.
Otherwise, some entrepreneurs should start up a new organization for boys and refuse to cater to homosexuals, regardless of any attempt to strong arm them to do so. If all organizations both religious or religiously based continue to fold, our whole country has a problem on its hands, and it’s time for a new civil war, and I’m not joking. Our country and its original way of life must be saved.