They know I don’t agree with it because I got a massive questionnaire from them...asking me how I felt about “What IF” situations in the scouts regarding homosexuality.
I said “NO” to permitting outspoken homosexuals to join, continue, or remain in the organization. The entire questionnaire was designed to find some excuse to celebrate the behavior and outspokeness of homosexuals.
I am one who believes we are to “love the sinner, hate the sin” person....this is NOT what the Boy Scouts were advocating. They were advocating NORMALIZING and CELEBRATING the behavior...
So that is how Craig Shelley knows I don’t agree.
I wonder what email they sent to the small number of parents and other financial supporters who said they AGREED with homosexuals in the ranks.
‘I wonder what email they sent to the small number of parents and other financial supporters who said they AGREED with homosexuals in the ranks.’
I don’t know but they better have deep pockets and be very generous or I fear that this gentleman and MANY other professional scouts will be looking for work soon. And I could not be happier than if the entire organization was forced into bankruptcy.
I am an Eagle Scout, but my five sons will never be allowed to join these moral reprobates.
They will quickly find that there is a disconnect between those who support them financially through donations and purchasing their over priced items, (like paying $24.00 for a small tin of popcorn.)
Since they did not embrace gay leadership, the gays will not be happy, and since they allowed gay youth, parents will not be happy.
This lose/lose will hit their bottom line big time, and sadly they may find themselves unable to adjust in any way that will matter.