What a smug look...
> What a smug look...
The same ones you see on every liberal US GOV employees involved in scandals, trying to take your guns, or infringe on your constitutional rights nowadays (0, Reid, Pelosi, Feinstein, Boxer, and now Lerner for starters)
Yup....same smug look I see every day at work with the liberals I work with. They think they know it all.
This woman is a smug person (because of her actions) but there are people whose natural looks portray what people call “smug” even if they are far from it and folks will make unfair judgements about them. I’ve been judged most of my life for being “haughty” or stuck up when in fact I’m a pretty humble person who struggles with social anxiety at times, since I was a kid. My natural countenance when I’m not forcing at least a smirk, is just not pleasant! People are always telling me to “smile” I know it’s cause when I don’t I look kind of mad:) It’s very frustrating.