The law is supposed to protect bowling alley owners from lawsuits. Apparently, bowling shoes are slippery and purposely made to look unattractive so people don’t wear them anywhere other than in bowling alleys, but apparently some people do and when they slip on bowling alley property, they sue.
Someone suggested tort reform — a better idea IMO.
And I always that it was to minimize the theft.
I read a version of the story last night, and while they buried the intent of the measure (litigation protection from idiotic "misuse of bowling shoes"), they at least mentioned it.
[[The law is supposed to protect bowling alley owners from lawsuits.]]
And a simpel clearly posted sign stating that when someone STEALS the shoes, they are respopnsbilble for their own actions won’t work? Or a signed piece of paper statign hte peopel are responsible for htuier own actions outside the alley? We need a law for this?