It amazes me how much damage Obama was able to do in 4 years. I think this was because 1). so many leftist were left in place by Bush, 2). Federal workers tend to be BIG government supporters because that is where their bread is buttered.
Somehow, we need to reduce the number of federal workers, and then either replace the remaining federal workers with Conservatives or educate and convert the remaining workers. Sadly, I don’t know how many would be willing to accept pay cuts to the point that they are making what they are worth and what they would be making in the private sector. How many would willingly give up the golden parachute retirement and benefits?
The Democrats have for years solidified their base of BIG Government supporters that take home a Federal paycheck. That is a big problem.
Exactly where do you expect find conservatives who want to work for the government?
And exactly how many government workers do you suppose would be receptive to "re-education" about conservatism.
The problem we're confronting is that conservatives and liberals approach government in a diametrically opposed fashion. One tries to avoid it all cost, the other embraces it.