And the lying news media is covering for Obama
Its beginning to become very clear that thuggery and abuse of power may have tipped the balance in favor of Obama winning in 2012. Obama & his henchmen DEFRAUDED THE AMERICAN PEOPLE.
The Candy Crowley interruption of Romney with an incorrect correction of Romneys statement on Benghazi no doubt helped cause Romney to lose hundreds of thousands of votes. But Romneys Benghazi allegation about The Tyrant In Chief was correct!
The Administration (and then the media) deprived Americans of the truth.
Romney would seem to have a good legal case to make that Obamas election SHOULD BE invalidated. He should sue the bastard and all of his cronies. Well, maybe he values his life...
But SOMEONE should sue to have proper election and with the information that we know now and were deprived of before via fraud.