My husband died last month at 85, a veteran of 24 years service. He and his brother were in Korea in 1952 when his brother was killed and it took them 2 weeks to locate my husband to escort his brother home. He was designated sole surviving son and didn't go to VN, for which he always felt guilty. He was a hcptr pilot by then and went twice more to Korea instead. He was always proud of helping fly the Pueblo crew home in Dec. 1968.
I am so glad to see that some of the VN "lost" are being returned like Lt. Peterson. So sad to lose them in such a useless war where we didn't learn anything from the French having fought No. Vietnam for 20 years. Just like we didn't learn anything frm the Russians fighting for 20 years in Afghanistan.
Thank you for the book title. I found it on Amazon and added it to my wish list.
I too, wonder if our long term involvement in Afghanistan will be worth the terrible cost. Iraq too for that matter. So many of our own dead, maimed, mentally damaged... will the recipients of this sacrifice lead better lives? Will they manage to build a better nation?
I have my doubts.