Our government is designed for a Christian population. Islam is fiercely anti Christian and considers us all to be infidels. We will always have terrorist attacks as long as we allow Koran followers to reside in our country. If they want to teach anti Christian or anti American beliefs in their mosques then I do not consider them to be innocent and/or unarmed people.
If they want to build places to pray for the collapse of America I will continue to consider them enemies of America. The ones who wish to assimilate into our culture are welcome but I don’t invite my enemies to sit at my dinner table.
No Muslim is trustworthy. There is no such thing as a ‘’moderate Muslim’’. If indeed the bloody religion were ‘’peaceful’’, why the need for ‘’moderation’’? To me that makes the argument Islam is not peaceful. Ask any ‘’moderate Muslim’’ if the State of Israel and the Jewish people have the right to exist and see the responses you get. If a muslim answers “No’’, they’re being truthful. If they say ‘’yes’’, they’re lying. There were no ‘’moderate Nazis’’ and no ‘’good’’ Nazis’’ either. There is neither to be found in Islam.