Au contraire, mon ami.
(A little French lingo there to show my deep affection for little froggies.)
American forces were not spent and there were battalions of troops in reserve. Russia was never an ally except, perhaps, in the rheumy eyes of the diseased Roosevelt who thought Uncle Joe an excellent and jovial good chap.
Walter Reuther, that good communist labor leader, journeyed to Europe several times to encourage the troops to press their leaders both in the field and in Congress to send them speedily to CONUS. Walter didn’t want his Soviet masters to have to suffer an ignominious defeat at the hands of the suckers who pumped bucks and munitions into their murderous hands.
The Russian soldiers had had enough of Stalin as the tales as to what had happened to their comrades who were captured by the Germans reached their ears. They were executed upon their return as Stalin realized that they might find their captors much nicer than their evil government.
So. I stand atop a pile of books written on the subject when I say to you, and others, that the US would have beat the hell out of the demoralized Russkies.
The Nazis, tried to employ General Vlasov, to fight on their side against Stalin.....and I think it would have succeeded, but Hitler opposed the idea, because he wanted the Russians wiped out, period.
Hindsight is 20/20. Again, the Red Army one of the worlds largest and certainly wouldn’t have rolled over. America by itself couldn’t have defeated the Russians and certainly the Brits and the Frenchies wouldn’t have had the stomach for it. And you underestimate the Russians themselves. They weren’t fighting for Stalin or the Party. They were fighting for ‘’Rodina’’,aka Holy Mother Russia’’. and the American Army would have suffered the fate of the Germans who suffered the fate of Napoleon’s Grand Army. That being the sheer size of Russia itself, it’s hot dry summers and brutal winters. The Russians relied on ‘’General Winter’’ to slow down or send packing invaders in the past. The Russians not only had a huge army but it’s people were soldiers’’ also, fighting as partisans who tormented Napoleons army at every step of their long retreat, and who made life miserable for the Germans. I remember reading a US Army intelligence debriefing of a German soldier who had fought on the Russian front . He said ‘’The Russian will never let you forget for a moment you are a hated enemy in his country. He will attack relentlessly and isn’t afraid to suffer mass casualties and is more than willing to die attempting to kill you. He isn’t afraid of cold, hunger or fire, He can go without sleep or sustenance. He attacks no matter what’’. And it wouldn’t only be a matter of attacking Russia itself. You would first have had to go through all the countries of Eastern Europe the Soviets were occupying . And there was the question of the proposed invasion of Japan, which by accounts argued at the time would have resulted in a million casualties. Americans wanted an end to the war, not prolongation of it.