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To: NotYourAverageDhimmi
Ah, another university to add to my “don’t even think of hiring their grads” list.
2 posted on
05/17/2013 6:07:44 PM PDT by
Da Coyote
To: NotYourAverageDhimmi
I wonder how long until they make us wear yellow crosses on our shirts?
3 posted on
05/17/2013 6:07:50 PM PDT by
Travis McGee
To: NotYourAverageDhimmi
Discrimination is fine as long as it is only used against heterosexual, white males.
4 posted on
05/17/2013 6:07:50 PM PDT by
(If you think ObamaCare is a train wreck, wait until you see the amnesty bill.)
To: NotYourAverageDhimmi
Didn’t know Poles had it easy. Dipshits.
5 posted on
05/17/2013 6:09:03 PM PDT by
Darren McCarty
(Abortion - legalized murder for convenience)
To: NotYourAverageDhimmi
You just can’t make this crap up...
And what’s even more frightening is that really don’t see it
To: NotYourAverageDhimmi
I believe it.
The only people I know who have been denied anything are white hetrosexuals. Mostly males.
I,myself, was denied a potion in graduate school, because I was a “white girl from the suburbs”.
I think it is time to start pushing back. The president is black. The racists are black.
7 posted on
05/17/2013 6:09:15 PM PDT by
To: NotYourAverageDhimmi
Judged by the color of His skin and not the content of his character. Just like MLK preached. /s
8 posted on
05/17/2013 6:09:39 PM PDT by
(Islam is evil and must be eradicated)
To: NotYourAverageDhimmi
Great big king sized lawsuit if this kid has any brains
Wage the same war against them
9 posted on
05/17/2013 6:12:39 PM PDT by
To: NotYourAverageDhimmi
Heterosexual white males are by definition a minority.
11 posted on
05/17/2013 6:21:34 PM PDT by
Uncle Miltie
To: NotYourAverageDhimmi
Diversity University of Perversity
12 posted on
05/17/2013 6:21:34 PM PDT by
To: NotYourAverageDhimmi
Do they not see what they just did? bwahahahahaha!
13 posted on
05/17/2013 6:22:26 PM PDT by
(The pencil sharpener and Elmer's glue is put away-- we've lost the red wheel barrow)
To: NotYourAverageDhimmi
Nutwestern? As a grad alum of that place I’d believe it, but it still makes me sad.
14 posted on
05/17/2013 6:24:09 PM PDT by
HiTech RedNeck
(How long before all this "fairness" kills everybody, even the poor it was supposed to help???)
To: NotYourAverageDhimmi
I think I've found a suitable candidate.
To: NotYourAverageDhimmi
No sympathy for him.
Sorry, but the fact that he was involved at all with a joke like the Diversity and Inclusion Association tells me he’s an idiot.
One of the effects of this crap is that as hostility to white, heterosexual males increases, liberals will continue to lose that demographic in droves. These people will soon realize they’re not welcome, and will rebel by becoming conservatives. The left is BS.
He should hold his head up high as he is scorned by homosexuals. They’ll be dead before long anyway, likely from AIDS.
16 posted on
05/17/2013 6:25:58 PM PDT by
To: NotYourAverageDhimmi
This university is not ready, in any capacity, for a heterosexual white male to be in charge in any way of diversity and inclusion, said Coley Isn't that a little . . . exclusive?
To: NotYourAverageDhimmi; NorthernCrunchyCon;; Finatic; fellowpatriot; ...
Freep-mail me to get on or off my pro-life and Catholic List:
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20 posted on
05/17/2013 6:35:50 PM PDT by
To: NotYourAverageDhimmi
I trust there are no parents on the FR sending their kids to this cesspool of communism!
If there are, they sure as hell need to switch schools or at least refuse to pay to fund the enemies of the USA.
21 posted on
05/17/2013 6:40:31 PM PDT by
(Nothing says "ignorance" like Islam! 969)
To: NotYourAverageDhimmi
The Wednesday hearing began with student senator Jesse Seitz reportedly asking the nominee, Stephen Piotrkowski, how he could possibly interact and serve a minority community as a white male.The Thursday hearing began with student senator Jesse Seitz reportedly asking someone else how she could possibly interact and serve a majority community as a black female.
To: NotYourAverageDhimmi
A students bid to become associate vice president of diversity and inclusion at Northwestern University was derailed last Wednesday over accusations that his status as a white heterosexual male would make it impossible for him to perform the positions duties. And there you have proof positive that it is not about equality ...
24 posted on
05/17/2013 6:59:52 PM PDT by
(This is my tag line. There are many like it, but this one is mine.)
To: NotYourAverageDhimmi
So, this is satire, right?
25 posted on
05/17/2013 7:10:43 PM PDT by
(Lord, confuse the wicked, confound their words, for I see violence and strife in the city.Psalms55:9)
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