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"The List": Obama's Two Hundred and Twenty-Fifth Week in Office
Nachumlist ^ | 5/17/13 | Nachum

Posted on 05/17/2013 9:34:34 AM PDT by Nachum

Obama's Two Hundred and Twenty-Fifth Week in Office


Obama and the IRS

IRS Official in Charge During Tea Party Targeting Now Runs Health Care Office

IRS tax exemption/Obamacare exec got $103,390 in bonuses

Obama evades question on White House knowledge of IRS targeting

Obama: No Special Counsel Needed on IRS

Holder Says 'No´ to Special Counsel to Investigate Benghazi

IRS's Lois Lerner, 'active member' of 'umane Society, may have delayed investigating group's tax status

The Nine Lies of Lois Lerner

Embattled IRS Official Lois Lerner’s Husband’s Law Firm Has STRONG Obama Connections..

Republican senator: New IRS commissioner a "White House insider," will do "absolutely nothing" to restore public trust

Speaker Boehner Says IRS Scandal Will Get Bigger: 'I Doubt That It Was Some Low-Level Employees'

Pelosi: GOP focusing on Bengazi, AP and IRS because Obama 'is a great president'

Lawmakers to focus on whether IRS misled Congress on screening practices

Second IRS official to leave amid tea party scandal

Acting Chief of I.R.S. Forced Out Over Tea Party Targeting

Eric Bolling: I Was Audited After Criticizing Obama

IRS Grilled Tea Party Groups on Relationship to True the Vote

Conservative Hispanic Groups Targeted In IRS Scandal

IRS stalled conservative groups, but gave speedy approval to Obama foundation

Carney to Piers: The Three Government Scandals This Week 'Don’t Exist'

IRS Scandal: The Union Connection

IRS faces class action lawsuit over theft of 60 million medical records

St. Louis TV Host Taken Off Air After Talking About IRS Harassment

Reporter who asked Obama about "first family jetting around" on vacations says IRS HAMMERING him since interview

IRS SCANDAL HITS CO: Did Sen. Bennet in 2012 Request IRS Target of Conservative Orgs? ( Colorado)

Director of IRS Tax-Exempt Determinations Office Is Obama Donor

Ministries founded by Billy Graham, Franklin Graham audited by IRS, letter to Obama

Stewart Destroys Obama Over IRS Scandal, Lack Of 'Managerial Competence': You’ve Vindicated Conspiracy Theorist

IRS targeted the Leadership Institute

IRS Told Pro-Life Group Not to Picket Planned Parenthood

Documents: IRS letters harassing conservative groups came from Washington, DC headquarters and from California offices, despite Inspector General's focus on Cincinnati employees

As many as four people may be the first Cincinnati Internal Revenue Service (IRS) employees to face disciplinary action

IRS Targeting Pushed By Democrats Aided Obama Campaign

IRS questioning included demands for Facebook postings, the books they are reading and even what they´re THINKING, report reveals

Document: IRS ordered conservative educational group to turn over a list of students it trained

Obama Ethics, Year 5

More mystery over AP subpoenas process at Justice Department

WaPo: CIA asked AP not to expose Yemen terror plot bust until White House was ready to crow about it publicly

Report: White House Didn't Want Story AP Was Monitored Over Published Until Obama Could Brag About It

Holder Justice Department Also Seized Phone Records at the Capitol

ICE admits hundreds of illegal immigrants with criminal records released

Huma Abedin allowed to represent clients while at State

Obamite Thuggery Has Long History

Report: W.H. chief of staff meeting with Democratic strategists (scandal management)

Rep. Nunes: DOJ Wiretapped Congressional Cloakroom

Would You Believe The Administration Got Phone Records of The House Of Representatives?

Holder not sure how many times he's seized press records

Holder Defends AP Probe: 'Aggressive' Action Necessary, 'Very Serious Leak'

Democratic Rep. Savages Eric Holder: Department Of Justice Has 'Impaired The First Amendment'

Holder to Hearing: Ask Somebody Else - Holder to Issa: You're 'Shameful'

Holder Says He's '95-99 Percent' Certain Assistant AG Authorized Subpoena of AP Phone Records

GOP’er Louie Gohmert Trashes Eric Holder For Ignoring Islamic Radicals While Targeting Christians


White House's Benghazi email dump shows critical two-day gap, CIA objection

White House Lied About Editing Benghazi Talking Points

PolitiFact: Obama Claim Benghazi Review Board 'Investigated Every Element' Is Pure Fiction

Air Force Attack Plane Pilot Says "Load Of Manure" That Jets Could Not Reach Benghazi

Conspiracy?- Benghazi – During Attack Denis McDonough and Tom Donilon Replace President Obama and VP Biden (Jan. 5)

Obama and Agenda 21

Vitter: EPA FOIA scandal 'no different than the IRS disaster'

EPA to review claims of bias against conservatives amid fight over IRS

Of course: Keystone pipeline decision probably won't be ready until early 2014 or so

Kerry Apologizes For America In Sweden (About Climate Change)

Obama vs The U.S. Military

Obama breaches Marine umbrella protocol

Pentagon recognizes transgender service members for first time in 'symbolic' move for LGBT community

U.S. Military Grants Itself the Authority to Deploy Troops in American Cities Without Presidential or Local Approval


Jobless claims jump in warning sign for labor market

Obama´s New Pick to Head IRS Furthered Sequester Fable in February

It's 3am and nobody's there

Homeland Security guidelines advise deference to pro-sharia Muslim supremacists


House votes to fully repeal Obamacare

Obamacare socks union health plans with 40% tax

Obama and Israel

CIA chief pays surprise visit to Israel (John Brennan)


Obama Ethics, Year 5

Treasury IG Releases Report on IRS Targeting of Tea Party, Conservative Groups

IRS official Lerner speedily approved exemption for Obama brother's'charity'

Holder Defends AP Probe: 'Agressive' Action Necessary, 'Very Serious Leak'

Eric Holder says leak to AP was 'very serious'

Holder launches probe into IRS targeting of Tea Party groups

Reporter Presses Carney: How Can You Be Sure No One in WH Was Involved in IRS Scandal?

Issa: No way we're going to let Obama administration investigate the IRS by itself

Jay Carney: Comparisons Between Obama and Nixon Result Of 'The Rapid Politicization Of Everything'

White House: Barack Obama Is No Richard Nixon

AG Eric Holder Reportedly Recused Himself From DOJ Leaks Investigation Which Grabbed AP Records

Franklin Graham: IRS targeted us, too

Corruption Flashback: White House Asks Contractors to Release Political Donations Before Bidding

KMOV anchor: The IRS is targeting me

Reporter Claims IRS Harassment After Tough Obama Interview

IRS Won't Say If It Will Comply With Congressional Demand for All Communications and Names Involved in Discriminating Against Tea Party Groups

Progressive Group: IRS Gave Us Conservative Groups' Confidential Docs

Report: 4 IRS offices targeted conservatives

Gov't probe obtains wide swath of AP phone records

Justice Dept. Seized Call Records from More Than 20 Associated Press Phone Lines

Sen. Paul Proposes Resolution Condemning IRS

Rep. Issa Rips Obama Over IRS Scandal: 'How Dare The Admin Imply' They'll 'Get To The Bottom Of It'

Deja Vu: IRS boss of Tea Party probes targeted anti-Clinton group in 1990s

Top IRS official didn't reveal tea party targeting

IRS Intimidation Forced Founder To Shut Down Tea Party Group

Letter the IRS Sent to One Local Tea Party and the Detailed Demands It Made

IRS tells pro-life ministry to promote abortion. Evidence suggests problem of politicization of tax collector far bigger than admitted

How High Up Does This Go? New Report Implicates Washington Officials in IRS Scandal

Obama says he wants to "see if we can institutionalize" in Washington the community spirit that sometimes emerges after a terror attack or an industrial explosion

White House responds to Justice Dept. secretly obtaining AP phone records: "We are not involved"

Obama Tells Harvey Weinstein, Justin Timberlake to Blame Rush Limbaugh

FLASHBACK: Romney donor vilified by Obama campaign, then subjected to 2 audits


State Department shuts down Benghazi questions: 'You'll have to take my word for it'

CNN exclusive: White House email contradicts Benghazi leaks

More Details on Benghazi Talking Points Emerge

Slain diplomat's mom on Obama´s Benghazi comments: 'Bullfeathers'8

Washington Post Factchecker Destroys Obama's Claim he Called Libya 'Terrorism'


New Guidelines Say Doctors Should Screen All Adults for 'Risky' Drinking

Obama and the Muslim Brotherhood

Obama Congratulates Pakistan for Electing Islamist Prime Minister Linked to Osama bin Laden

Obama and Agenda 21

 Obama administration gives wind farms a pass on eagle deaths, prosecutes oil companies

EPA waives fee requests for friendly groups, denies conservative groups

Obama vs The U.S. Military

Defense Department civilians to go on unpaid leave for 11 days [800,000 civilian employees]

Pentagon furloughs planned at 11 days: cut in half


Monthly Federal Tax Revenues Hit All-Time Record in April; Individual Income Taxes Up 36%

It's 3am and nobody's there

Terrorist super-axis to strike within U.S. Imminent attacks planned by al-Qaida, Quds Forces, Hezbollah

Joltin' Joe Biden

Biden: 'If We Had Guns that Shot Chocolate,' People 'Safer' and 'Happier'


Obama Ethics, Year 5

Conservative Group Says IRS Leaked Docs to Rival

White House Counsel Knew in April of IRS’s Targeting of Conservatives

McConnell: IRS Revelations 'Just The Beginning'

IRS boss of Tea Party probes targeted anti-Clinton group in 1990s

IRS sent unpublished info on conservative groups to investigative news outfit

Koch Industries Lawyer to White House: How Did You Get Our Tax Information?

Baucus, now investigating IRS, urged IRS to target conservative groups in 2010

Revealed: The 55 questions the IRS asked one tea party group after more than two years of waiting – including demands for names of all its donors and volunteers

AP's letter to Eric Holder

DOJ on secretly obtaining AP phone records: 'we value the freedom of the press'

 Justice Department secretly obtained AP phone records

IRS Office That Targeted Tea Party Also Disclosed Confidential Docs From Conservative Groups

'Outrageous': Obama Vows Full Investigation, Accountability Amid IRS Intimidation Furor

Obama on IRS Scandal: I´ve Got No Patience With It

IRS Warned Employees Not to Target 501(c)4 Donors in 2011

 IRS scrutiny went beyond Tea Party, targeting of conservative groups broader than thought

IRS Targeted Conservative Groups That Taught US Constitution

Pro-marriage group thinks IRS employee leaked Mitt Romney's donor info to Human Rights Campaign

Rubio calls for current IRS head’s resignation


Did State Dept. hide this dramatic evacuation? Another incident during night of Benghazi attack

Obama on Benghazi: 'There's No There There'

Obama calls Benghazi controversy a 'sideshow'

Ben Rhodes: Obama´s Fixer behind the Benghazi Cover-Up

Obama vs. The U.S. Military

59 Congress Members Demand Hagel Explain Meeting with Anti-Christian Extremist

Community Organizer to the World

Obama to Attend 3 Democratic Fundraisers


Insurers predict 100%-400% Obamacare rate explosion

Grocers object to Obama calorie requirements under health care law

Cancer patients could face high costs for medications under ObamaCare, critics warn


Israeli currency improves value against dollar, Israel reduces interest rates

It's 3am and nobody's there

'Obama policy will lead region to war,' warns ex-Iraqi MP who’s paid heavy price for dissent



Clinton never questioned in Benghazi probe: diplomat

Issa: Clinton, Obama 'Not Targets'

Darrell Issa: House Oversight Committee to depose Pickering and Mullen over Benghazi

Benghazi Whistleblower´s Attorney Claims NBC Spiked Him Being a Democrat Who Voted for Obama

Why Obama released embarrassing IRS bombshell Michele Bachmann explains White House's willingness to take heat: Distraction

Feinstein: 'Talking points were wrong'

Dianne Feinstein Says Benghazi Hearing Was Really About Discrediting Hillary Clinton

Darrell Issa: David Petraeus Carried Obama's Water On Benghazi

McCain calls for select committee to investigate Benghazi 'cover-up'

Sen. John McCain Asserts Benghazi 'Cover-Up'

ABC: Petraeus called final Benghazi talking points "useless" the day before Rice’s full Ginsburg

Administration Relying on Shoddy Benghazi Report to Absolve Itself of Blame

NBC's David Gregory: Carney Lied On Talking Points

Geraldo: My sources tell me they were in Benghazi to round up missiles to send to Syrian rebels via Turkey

Benghazi Whistle-Blower a Democrat, Voted for Hillary and Obama Twice

Sharyl Attkisson in talks to leave CBS

Presidents of ABC and CBS News Have Siblings Working at White House With Ties to Benghazi

Befuddled by Benghazi, Top Political Reporters Admit Irrelevancy to Uncovering Obama Admin Dishonesty

Obama vs. The 2nd Amendment

Obama picks felon as CT gun control advocacy 'character witness'

Missouri Legislature Sends Gun Grab Nullification Bill to Governor


1/3 Population of Puerto Rico Gets Food Stamps From US Government - $2 Billion In 2012

It's 3am and nobody's there

Hurricane Sandy victims struggle to regain normalcy


HHS: Nothing improper about Sebelius's ObamaCare fundraising

Obamacare: Taxpayers Must Report Personal Health ID Info to IRS

Queen Michelle

Mrs. Obama: Seek out those with different beliefs

Michelle Obama speaks at EKU's graduation

Obama Ethics, Year 5

IRS targeted groups that criticized the government, IG report says

The eagle upside down on obamas twitter account

IRS Scrutiny Was Deeper Than Thought

GOP SENATOR: Obama Must Apologize For 'Absolutely Chilling' IRS Targeting Of Tea Party Groups

Boston Marathon Massacre

US Officials Claim Russia Withheld Important Text Messages From Boston Bomber


Obama Ethics, Year 5

ABC's Terry Moran On IRS Targeting Tea Party: 'A Truly Nixonian Abuse Of Power By The Obama Administration'

  Washington Post: Report: Top IRS officials knew in 2011 that conservative groups were targeted

AP: IRS knew tea party targeted in 2011

Ways and Means to IRS: 'Provide All Communications Containing Words 'Tea Party,' 'Patriot,' or 'Conservative'--By Wednesday

Abuse of the use of Air Force One

Obama Celebrates Mother's Day With Free Birth Control (+video)


Busted: State Department Spokeswoman Victoria Nuland Deliberately Lied to Reporters (9-17-12 Video)

Top Obama official’s brother is president of CBS News, may drop reporter over Benghazi coverage

Anonymous CBS Sources Smear Sharyl Attkisson

Benghazi Whistleblower Attorney: I Have More People Who Want to Testify

It's 3am and nobody's there

Gov't Inspector: $50 Million Stolen From US Treasury Disappears After Being Found in Afghan Bank

Obama and Israel

The IRS may also have given extra-special attention to the tax-exempt status of some Jewish groups for political reasons.


HHS Secretary Sebelius using 'donations' to defy Congress on Obamacare implementation

Budget request denied, Sebelius turns to health executives to finance Obamacare

Grassley: Baucus Retiring Because He's 'Fed Up' With Obamacare

Sarah Palin: 'Same Corrupt IRS' That Targeted Conservatives 'Will Be In Charge Of Enforcing Obamacare'


Obama claims credit for 'healing' US housing market

Obama and The Muslim Brotherhood

ADM "Ace" Lyons, Former Commander in Chief of the U.S. Pacific Fleet, the largest single military command in the world, states, "The Muslim Brotherhood has penetrated every level of the US government."


Obama Ethics, Year 5

Cantor: House Will Investigate IRS for Targeting Tea Party Groups

IRS Blames 'Low-Level' Employees for Targeting Conservative Groups

10 crazy things the IRS asked Tea Party groups

Carney Distances White House From 'Independent Agency' IR'’s Targeting Of Conservative Groups

Flashback 2009: Obama Jokes About IRS Auditing Political Enemies

IRS apologizes for targeting conservative groups

ICE Agent Union President Claims White House Inflates Deportation Numbers

GOP lawmakers: Obama admin planned years in advance to weaken welfare reform


Benghazi Whistleblower Attorney: Congress Must Subpoena Hillary Clinton to Testify Again

ABC Proves Obama Lied On Benghazi

Congresswoman: Benghazi Stand Down Order Came From Obama

Carney: Romney To Blame For Benghazi Scandal

White House holds ´deep background´ Benghazi briefing

W.H. holds off-the-record Benghazi briefing

White House blames CIA for edits made to Benghazi talking points

Democrats Actively Working to Undermine Testimony of Benghazi Whistleblower

Exclusive: Benghazi Talking Points Underwent 12 Revisions, Scrubbed of Terror Reference

Benghazi: Unaware, Unresponsive, Unaccountable  (video)

Tom Coburn: State Dept. has real trouble coming on Benghazi but I can't talk about it yet

ABC: Benghazi talking points went through 12 revisions, scrubbed of terror reference; Update: Video added

House Armed Service chair denied access to Benghazi files

'Obama Ignoring Link Between Radical Islam and Terrorism'

The Benghazi Scandal Grows: CIA director David Petraeus was surprised

It's 3am and nobody's there

Turkish Prime Minister To NBC’s Ann Curry: Syria Crossed Obama's Red Line 'A Long Time Ago'

Kerry warns Russia against selling high-performance missiles to Syria

Obama's Big Brotherhood Bet


Applying for ObamaCare - Still Not Simple

Obama: $1 trillion in Obamacare spending is historic 'tax cut'

Obama On Obamacare: 'You’re Benefiting From It, You Just May Not Know It'

Obama declared health care law 'is here to stay'

Calif. exchange granted secrecy

Health Perks Could Trigger Penalties Under Health Law

California bill penalizes companies for reducing employee hours under ObamaCare

The Boston Massacre

FBI to Boston: You knew about Tsarnaev from JTTF files

Obama vs the 2nd Amendment

[Video] NJ State Senators Caught on Open Mic Saying They Need a Bill to CONFISCATE Guns

Obama Dead Pool File

Texas plant explosion a bombing? Officials open up criminal investigation after man found with 'destructive device'

TOPICS: Crime/Corruption; Government; News/Current Events
KEYWORDS: list; obama; office; week
At week 225 all heck breaks loose. It's 'Scandal-Palooza"! IRS-Gate, Benghazi-Gate, Phonetap-Gate. My finders are smokin'...

Let me know if you would like to be on or off the ping list.

Also, added a new file on the IRS scandal. Listed below.

1 posted on 05/17/2013 9:34:34 AM PDT by Nachum
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To: All

The Obama IRS file

2 posted on 05/17/2013 9:35:18 AM PDT by Nachum (The Obama "List" at
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To: Nachum


This is one I had missed before. The house of representatives should have been all over this executive order and impeached him over this. This is a blatant attempt to exclude republican small business owners from winning contracts.

3 posted on 05/17/2013 10:53:51 AM PDT by OftheOhio (never could dance but always could kata - Romeo company)
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To: Nachum

Since 0 has the ability to audit all of us why dont we ask for a list of all of his donor an their contributionst and gifts he received including those from lobbyists that he’s not supposed to receive. That and a detailed list of all of his golf equipment, especially those given as gifts.

We’ll be waiting a very long time.

4 posted on 05/17/2013 10:59:14 AM PDT by jsanders2001
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