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To: dfwgator

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Bryzgalov:’d take the interview with Stalin and Einstein

Ilya Bryzgalov - about life and people

Why Ilya Bryzgalov does not live in Philadelphia and witness what historical events would be - in an interview with the Russian goalkeeper.

“We no longer” highwayman “

- Russian fans have realized that you are not angry? Began to approach for autographs?
- That was a joke. Fit and fit. Fans do not prevent us behave decently. It’s nice that people have come to support us.

- We all know how the press treats you in Philadelphia. What kind of relationship do you have with the fans?
- Normal. In Philadelphia, just fans. If you play well, they chant your name. If bad, they give it to understand their reaction. And with the reporters I’m not even going to establish contact, I did not mess up.

- Never thought about how to file a lawsuit against the reporters who come up with the fact that you’re sleeping at the meeting?

- Well, why? This work highlights. I do not care what they write or say. Let yapping.

- You said that Philadelphia - a sports town. And the press itself prevents excessive pressure teams. Only the “Flyers” are affected by this or other teams too?
- Everyone. And the “Eagles” in college football, and “Phillies” in baseball. And in response to one explanation - “it’s Philadelphia.”

- Really, dear to the players gathered in the city and appealed to reporters asking them not to escalate the nervousness?
- In general, really, but I do not know why there is still no one did.

- Are all the titles in the sport is measured? Marcel Dionne never won a Stanley Cup, and Gretzky - Olympics ...
- No, of course. But every athlete aims to win. You may Career score a lot of goals, to give as much gear, and a chance to win the Stanley Cup could be obtained. Then you’re out of luck. But that does not mean that you have a bad career.

- What do you still want to win?
- The Olympics. I do not have a gold medal.

- Because of the street, which plays “Philadelphia,” the team called “highway robbers.” The club associate themselves with this nickname?
- It is in the past century. Now we do not like the “highway robbers.” We can fight, but no more than other teams. Previously, it was like: there were teams that could play hockey. Against these players, “Philadelphia” is a tough game, all were beaten, and then started to score goals (smiles).

- Who are the partners in “Philadelphia,” the most interesting man?
- According to the Swedish mentality is closer to me. Great guy Jakub Voracek, Zach Rinaldo, Wayne Simmonds.

- Now Simmonds fights in the voting for the cover of the game “NHL-2014” with Evgeni Malkin. Who will support - a partner or fellow?
- I can not answer that question?
- And last year, voted for by Claude Giroux?
- Then vote for Malkin.


- You know that Sergei Bobrovsky was nominated for “Vezina Trophy”? We talked to him after his exchange in the “Columbus”?
- Yes, we talk from time to time. While not congratulate simply no way to call him out. Communicate not only with Sergei, but also with the other guys.

- Watch out for other NHL goalies: who emerged from the newcomers, who plays great, who - not so?
- Not really, I’m looking a little hockey. Zhenya was happy for Nabokov. We played five times against each other this year, it’s great to help the team reach the playoffs.

- In the “Philadelphia” no mascot. Who would fit the role?
- I know, but I will not. Then transferred overseas journalists else. Nothing wrong with that, but I will not.

- Read that after the transition to the “Philadelphia” you gave up the idea to put on the mask of “pilots”. Said they did not like the military theme. Why this year decided to choose the theme of “Star Wars” Darth Vader and Master Yoda?
- I did not go to his head. And here I was urgently need a spare mask. There was no time to think about the picture. The artist offered me a theme of “Star Wars,” and I liked it. I love this movie.

- Who is your favorite character?
- Obi-Wan and Yoda. He is a wise, it is very much power.

- Which episode of “Star Wars” like the most?
- Three new ones. By the way, the company “Lucas Film”, which has been producing films, learned about the picture on the helmet and sent me a collector’s lightsaber Jedi.

- And what color lights up the sword?
- Green, of course. Master Yoda same.

- Once started talking about the movie, planning to watch the movie “Legend of the number 17?”
- Yes. Has not yet happened, I do not drive in Russia - just for the World Cup.

- Which of the latest movies you like?
- I have not watched a good movie. I wanted to see “Iron Man 3”, but left just before the premiere. Do not think that I like but action. The main thing that the movie was good. I do not like horror or thrillers, where a lot of blood. And I can see the action, drama, love. “The destiny of man” by Sholokhov - one of my favorite movies.


- What is the main lesson, and perhaps you have learned from the experience of three months in the League?
- I was pleased with everything: like organization, a great team, I met a lot of nice people - everything was great. Unforgettable time! Only one problem - the family was away.

- Why do not they come?
- Children School. No one knew the lockout is over or not, and if it is over, when. We have decided that they will stay in America. They came to visit me, I went to them as possible. And still hard when you do not see the family every day. Thanks again to the entire organization CSKA Moscow and Sergei Fedorov, for giving me the opportunity to play.

- In Moscow, it is easier to hide from the spotlight to himself than to the ocean? Moscow could not see the match CSKA Moscow, and every game “pilots” - this is probably the event for the city ...
- Yes, in Moscow no one cares who and what. And in Philadelphia, hard walk down the street unnoticed.

- Russian coaches could work in the NHL?
- Maybe someone would have failed. But it would be difficult because of the language barrier. In America, too, have shortage of skilled professionals. They is not that bad.


- Apart from sports, life in Philadelphia interesting?
- I’m busy with games and workouts. And all the free time I spend with my wife and children. Lera constant training figure skating choreography. Vladik play hockey. I help him go out with him on the ice. So pass the weekend.

- How old are your children?
- In May, a daughter nine years old, his son - seven.

- Evgeni Malkin said his parents were more difficult than it is now. When he was growing up, my parents got up early in the morning to take him to the gym, then went to work.
- My mother worked as a seamstress, and my father - an electrician. Of course, it was not easy. Now my wife gets up at six in the morning to drive to the gym Leroux. Well, I get up at seven and eight’m taking her son to school.

- Family in America yet?
- Yes, children up to school on June 10. But every day we are in touch.

- Your son also plays in goal? How to work with him?
- Yes, I throw him, showing exercises, prompts goalie nuances.

- A daughter can suggest something?
- In figure skating, I do not understand so well, so there will not climb. Well, unless I see that it is pushed wrong, and she did not have enough speed, I can tell. Leray was lucky: she has two great coach. Julia is engaged to her jumps and Evgeny Platov is working on skating.

- You brought the children to the rink or they chose these sports?
- It’s their choice. We wanted the kids involved in sports, but the choice they made themselves. Leroy also plays the violin, Vladik learning the guitar. However, something has thrown lately. If they want to become professional athletes, I will support their choice. The main thing that they liked.

- Many children who grow up overseas, starting podzabyvat Russian language ...
- We have no such problem - it’s all right. Although the school is English, they had a say in Russian. They’re Russian to the core.


- When a person first appears in Philadelphia, where the advise to go? Your favorite place in town?
- I live in New Jersey and come to Philadelphia only to play and exercise. No reason to not try to go

ride. I have lived in Philadelphia and a half months before we bought the house. I do not really like that sort of town. Me and New York do not like. A big, bustling city with a grim gateways. Philadelphia is the same. But Boston, Vancouver and Dallas - are quite different. These newer, cleaner - there I like. I do not like old age. I love the story, but not in all. So we drove through New Jersey, chose the house. We go into one, realtors say, “Wow, this house 87 years, this is a story!” So what is his story? Well, someone has lived here, he died. Then what? You walk into the house, and there smells of mildew and old age. Americans like it, but let me something new.

- Attractions in Philadelphia is still the same?
- The main attractions I looked. Mint, where money is printed, the house Betsy Rose, who sewed the first American flag bell. Has visited the museum of “Titanic.” There are several museums in the city, but not memorized them.

- Is New York is not a modern city?
- Skyscrapers in Philadelphia is. Here is New York - outside all nice shops, shop windows, gloss. And you will roll into the alley and you see that? Old age and dirt.

- So you like California?
- California - the ideal state. I adore her, she’s beautiful. There’s all-new, always sunny. The climate is very pleasant, compared with Florida is not as humid. I generally love the west coast. For example, the Vancouver Sun is not much, but a lot of greens.

- You can swim in the ocean?
- No, it’s cold, even in summer ...

- A surfing tried to do?
- Once rolled over and ended up on this.

- I liked the main dish of Philadelphia - a cheese steak?
- That’s like. Delicious thing. I do not want to say that I do in Philadelphia do not like. The city has good points. And in New York, too.

“Believe in reincarnation”

- You say that you like the story. If not that, then what?
- For example, read a historical book or watch a program about the Crusades, the Roman Empire. How it was created, as was falling apart. I was in Italy, France, the United Kingdom, see historical monuments. Was the Colosseum, in the ruins of Pompeii.

Oh, there’s fun! And there is an old building. And what it might interest me? The man thinks, “If I lived on the coast of the warm ocean, swam to every day.” And the people who live there, once or twice a year redeemed. Because there is the ocean is.

- Or if a person has a sweet tooth and goes to work at a chocolate factory, it then begins to hate chocolate.
- That’s right. In Philadelphia, there is a museum, but once you looked at it and that’s enough.

- If you love history, could imagine themselves in another century?
- Of course. I believe in reincarnation. I think that I was living somewhere in another era.

- Do you believe that the soul moves from one body to another on the basis of karmic law?
- He lived a poor life and turned into tarakashku (smile)? Perhaps in part it is.

- Christianity does not accept that.
- I believe in God. But for me, God and the Church - are two different things.

- At what age would you like to live and see what event?
- In all. In every age there was something incredible. I understand that sometimes it was scary and horrible as a bloody mess in our country ...

- 1917?
- And the subsequent events. I would like to witness these years. It is a clash of two ideas, classes, and classes. In the struggle was not right, no blame. Some defended their right to life. And the other replied: “Why do you want us all to take? It is our rightfully, our fathers and grandfathers with their work have earned the property.”

- And whose side would you have taken in the Civil War?
- And there, and there were Russian people. It is impossible for someone to choose. We moderns do not know who was right and wrong. I am generally against violence. But it was a fun time. And if you go even a century ago, there were interesting developments in France. So you can walk to the days of ancient Rome.

- In all these events, a new idea has come across the old regime. You have identified themselves to the people who hold conservative views?
- I believe in progress, such as technological. Always welcome new items. I believe that if a person works hard, is ruining his health, his intelligence and talent earns, and then someone who did not do anything, it decides to take, the question arises: “And on what basis?”. Of course, I will take the position of a man who worked. At this time, the other sat and received benefits from the state. And when they had accumulated so much cleverer one took them away. So what? The property was confiscated, and then everything went back to what it was. Again, all carried off, only to have other people. We’ve all been there.

- Communism - a utopia?
- And is it legal competence capitalism? Look at his true face in the United States and Europe. Russian TV showed us a vivid picture, as if everything is fine. This is not the case. New York, Miami, other fashionable, trendy city, as if to drive off from them ...

- Ghetto?
- There are enough of them. This is not a small part of the city. Too many do not work, live on welfare and get food stamps for. They just do not want to work. Their principle is: “Why should I work when I can live, let them raise taxes on the rich, which are injected. I’ll sit on the dole, the year I will get it here, then move to another state - start getting there. Why do I Brokeback ? There will come a new candidate who has promised us all. us such a lot of on the dole, we vote for him, and raise taxes on the rich. “ It’s not even my opinion, and many Americans, with whom I spoke on this topic.

- People are afraid to call in the ghetto and try to get his side?
- Of course, it is best to avoid. I once drove there. I was driving and I thought, “What am I doing here? Hurry to get out on the highway. How did I get here?”

“Stalin knew what to do”

- All the reporters want to interview you. And there is a person with whom you want to communicate?
- Many people are dead ... I’d like to talk to Genghis Khan, Stalin and Einstein.

- Stalin - a very controversial figure. How do you feel about him?
- Positively. I can see the logic in his actions. Not without kinks, of course. But he came to power in a country that has just experienced a revolution. How many there were spies, enemies, traitors. Many people after the Civil War remained in the hands of the weapon. The country was devastated, I had to survive somehow. It was necessary to build the country, and to do that you have to keep it in the hands of iron. Then came the war. How many people came back after her graduation from the front again with a weapon. Around devastation, we must rebuild the country, to keep defenses. How many criminals have.

- Stalin took Russia with a wooden plow and left it with nuclear weapons.
- Yes, he knew what to do. He is spoken of: a bloody tyrant. And while in another it was impossible. Yes, there were innocent people among the victims of repression ... but it happens. Here in the United States recently released from prison a man who had served 45 years. It turned out that he was innocent. Imagine, people spent all his life for what he did not commit.

- And what would Einstein was asked?
- About her most ...

- About the Universe?
- Yes. He - an interesting man. Surely he had a lot of ideas and theories.

18 posted on 05/17/2013 10:08:05 AM PDT by Deadeye Division
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To: Deadeye Division

I do think some perspective is in order here.....Russians have for the most part of their history been ruled by tyrants, like Ivan the Terrible, or Peter the Great, that is what they are used to. Those who didn’t live under Stalin, don’t necessarily see him as a “Communist”, as much as just another in the long line of iron-fisted rulers in Russian history.

19 posted on 05/17/2013 10:14:26 AM PDT by dfwgator
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To: Deadeye Division
Yes, there were innocent people among the victims of repression ... but it happens. Here in the United States recently released from prison a man who had served 45 years.

The imprisonment of one guy is somehow congruent with the wanton slaughter of 30 million people through execution and starvation?

25 posted on 05/17/2013 10:55:27 AM PDT by ScottinVA ( Liberal is to patriotism as Kermit Gosnell is to neonatal care.)
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