Great image of a Shoe-Bombadeer in action!
Ponder this:
In the failed world of Communism, all functions of a Society are controlled by a Central Government.
Our Central Federal Government has been easily taken over by Obama to the gleeful cheers of MSNBC and others in the Liberal Agenda Media.
This is as good a time as any to take note of those who have willingly enabled the blatant Communist ideas and programs of Obama to take hold in our Central Federal Government.
It is also a good time to take note of the many dictatorial powers that our sorry US Congress has granted over many decades to the Administration Branch and related Bureaus of our Central Federal Government.
Just to balance our income with our spending, the Central Federal Government must reduce spending by 40 percent.
The longer we wait to cut or way to prosperity and repeal and abolish Federal Regulations, the greater our financial debt and less Liberty we will have.
For example, if Central Federal Government Regulations were reduced by 40 percent, our Society would be 40 percent further removed from control by the Central Federal Government.
Currently, there are 3 major Impeachable Scandals that our sorry RINOs could use to remove Obama from our Central, semi-Communist, Federal Government.
My question is: Do our sorry Congressional RINOs have the POLITICAL MOTIVATION to Impeach and Remove B. Hussein Obama, aka Barry Soetoro, a legal citizen of Indonesia?