To: machogirl
I see plenty of them in gov’t makework jobs and in mid managment in the private sector. It is sickening. I wear suit and tie myself to interviews and the like.
58 posted on
05/13/2013 5:55:59 PM PDT by
(There are no winners in a game of losers. I'm Tommy Joyce, welcome to the Oriental Lounge.)
To: wally_bert
I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. I looked like a darn lawyer (Heaven forbid, lol).
60 posted on
05/13/2013 6:20:45 PM PDT by
(First they came for my tagline)
To: wally_bert
What mean “Take over, pale face”: I had more feminist bosses over my 50 years of working than men. Two ex-wives did take-over (briefly).
69 posted on
05/13/2013 7:23:40 PM PDT by
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