Quite likely. On the flip side, if we continue to talk and never take any substantive action, we never end up exposing the Left for the murderous and tyrannical entity it is. The Left acts contrary to the law in any way it deems appropriate and we continue to "respect the law" even when it runs contrary to Freedom. What is the tipping point that gets our side mobilized?
Well, never. You have to respect the law, regardless of its impact on freedom. If you don't and instead call for civil disobedience, you're an "agent provacateur." But if you don't call for civil disobedience, you're a tool of the leftist tyrants. But if you do, you're a rabble rouser trying to make our side look bad. But if you don't, then you're perfectly happy to be ruled by the new slavemasters. But if you do, then you're trying to lure freedom-lovers into a trap. But if you don't, blah blah blah ad infinitum.
“What is the tipping point that gets our side mobilized?”
Judging by the increase in gun and ammo sales in the last year, the tipping has started. Look for the organization of State Militias in conservative states, and or county militias/sheriffs’ posses in conservative areas of liberal states. The resolutions in some states to not allow enforcement of certain federal laws or regulations, and to enforce laws which the federal government refuses to, are another sign.