In other words Osama Bin-Laden and the Islamic SOBs who worship him were given more respect than our own Seals.
Where's the photo of OBL body? "Oh we don't want to tick off the Muslims"
Why was OBL immediately buried at sea? "Oh we have to follow Islamic law because don't want to tick off the Muslims."
Yet this POS Biden, had no problem putting Seals in danger.
I swear, this GOP can KISS MY ASS. I am SO sick to death of Republicans curling into a fetal position while this FOREIGN BORN TWICE UNCONSTITUTIONALLY ELECTED KENYAN steamrollers over this country completely unopposed!
I don’t think we truly got OBL.
Who the hell do you think is exposing crap now? We damn sure know Biden and Obama put these families and men at risk for POLITICS. What the hell do you think the House of Representatives can do when Barry lies, his Gen’s lie, plus the Gov lies for him as he appointed progressives/commies and promoted their ilk in the military. ADM Mullen could not lead a damn rifle squad. We do not need flyboys and fleet types as Chairmen of the JCS during a damn war.
Vaughns were on FOX again this morning with Tucker. Showed Mrs. Vaughn making the same clear statement....Obama cared more about the blood of our enemies than the blood of her son. She also stressed that her son thought his family was in danger as well. I’ve always thought it ridiculously strange that American’s would believe without proof that bin Laden was dead and buried at sea. What did SEAL Team 6 know?