My contempt for the left seems to grow every day. Public trust? Seriously? Then start reporting like it, and do it now. Respect the conservative viewpoint. Write stories that accurately reflect the conservative point of view. Employ conservative editorial writers and give them prominent positions on the page. End the blackout of reporting on Democrat scandals.
Public trust? My sweet hind end.
“Write stories that accurately reflect the conservative point of view.”
I’m not so much worried about stories that show the conservative point of view (well maybe some editorials). I’m more concerned with the newspaper telling all stories (not minimizing or burying them if they are bad for democrats, or maximizing and plastering them everywhere for months if they are bad for republicans). I want all news of every important story just the facts...I don’t want the newspaper trying to whip me into a frenzy if a story is bad for republicans...or completely ignoring a story and saying nothing to see here, move along, and outright dismissing it if it seems it would hurt democrats.
But I guess this is the conservative viewpoint after all.