I do like this part:
and Free Republic provided a platform for conservatives to share conspiratorial perspectives and to organize their own rallies and events. Many of the angry mobs hounding Clinton at public events were mobilized by Free Republic. The impeachment rally that was organized by the Free Republic, Treason Is the Reason, featured Republican lawmakers and writer Christopher Hitchens.
Although I think it's funny that they say conservatives dominate the media. We still don't yet dominate TV news or newspapers. And even though some call newspapers the "dinosaur" media, there are still a lot of people who read them. And believe them. Unfortunately.(My elderly mom, for one, who I have to continually, respectfully and gently correct on things she reads in the paper.)
Hmmm. Maybe it's time for some rallies and protests - this time in front of major media outlets!!! And have people post on Youtube and have college kids post on their facebooks. You get it going on facebook it will get passed from one to another college kid and will spread like crazy. hmmm.....