To: Jemian
That was terrific. Thank you very much for looking that up. I missed that thread and that Limbaugh show somehow and have not heard that before. It somewhat contradicts what I have understood up until now that only the POTUS could authorize a CBA but is still not a lot different. It is hard to imagine anyone else deciding to leave them all hanging.
121 posted on
05/07/2013 9:01:25 PM PDT by
(If babies had guns they wouldn't be aborted)
To: TigersEye
Please see my post #125. This story was first broken by a retired Naval Admiral Lewis, I believe, can't positively remember his name. This story was all over the internet..haven't checked it lately to see if it's been scrubbed. No one picked up on this story..the leftist media totally ignored it, and now it's coming out as probably the truth of what really happened. oboma must be taken down and hard, along with his leftist cabal. He is responsible for the deaths of brave men...but Mr Chicken-Sh*t undoubtedly knows nothing about honor, bravery, love of country (unless it's a muslim country), or simply how to tell the truth. obozo is a socialist/communist/marxist, a pathological liar and a DANGER to this country, to you and to me. obozo MUST be punished, and we should all forward this info to everyone we know..the facts must be made known to everyone, and not just the low-information people in this country. And We the People must not allow this story to just fade away...obozo and his cabal have blood on their hands and they MUST be punished.
126 posted on
05/08/2013 12:17:11 AM PDT by
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