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To: Zakeet
You left off a couple things from Gabby's resume:

Gave $500 to Obama.
Said he will support Obama on gun control.
Said he will support Obama on immigration.
Says he is pro life but wants roe left alone, making him a lying pile of steaming dog crap.
Pro gay marriage, while saying he is guided by his Catholic I really need to go on??????????!!!! ...oh yeah, he also thinks Obama's mini me, deval patrick is doing just a great job in Mass.

11 posted on 05/04/2013 8:35:19 PM PDT by bramps (Sarah Palin got more votes in 2008 than Mitt Romney got in 2012)
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To: bramps
Here is a great review by This is the group that is trying to stop the radical gay agenda in Massachusetts.

I am one of those people who believes in half a loaf is better than none, but this time I am saying forget about it. Throw Gomez to the sharks. Gomez is pulling our chain in a most disingenuous way. I am sick and tired of these rinos without a soul.

As was stated in the massresistance article, Gomez will bring the Republican Party way to the left. The last thing we need right now is another Republican caving on the Democrats’ issues. No more *me too* Republicans! We have to punish the rinos so that they know that there will be a price to pay when they abandon our nations long held beliefs. If Gomez wins and is rewarded for lying and double-dealing than all the fake Republicans throughout the country will start waving their liberal flags.

When it comes to the Presidential vote I think that you have to take the least bad candidate—I believe in half a loaf is better than none. But when it is a Senatorial vote it doesn't matter so much if we lose to the Democrats because a Senator is one of a hundred. A Senator does not have the special powers or the special honor that the President has. A Senator is one of a hundred but there is only one President.

If Ed Markey get elected it will be no game changer, he will be pretty much like John Kerry.

The article below has an excellent suggestion that Massachusetts could do what the New York Conservative Party does. They rarely run candidates but when they see a good Republican that shares their beliefs they will throw their support behind that candidate. This sounds like a good way to cut through all the false labeling that the rinos do, calling themselves conservative, pro-family—yadayadayada. Even the Massachsetts Tea Party is very suspect, it is just the old game of the insiders trying to co-opt any new challengers. With a Massachusetts Conservative Party that was not in competition with the Republican Party but would sort of act like the conscience of the party, it would be a good way to lead from the sidelines.

45 posted on 05/05/2013 3:32:22 PM PDT by cradle of freedom (Long live the Republic !)
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To: bramps

In other words there isn’t one thing that he says that isn’t crossed out by something else that he says. We should start calling him Mr. Tic-Tac-Toe.

46 posted on 05/05/2013 3:39:37 PM PDT by cradle of freedom (Long live the Republic !)
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