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To: OneWingedShark; All

Some patriots may not understand that Palin had much more constitutonal authority to serve the citizens of Alaska than the federal government has, same for all other governors and their respective state governments. As I mentioned elsewhere, one of the few powers to regulate any aspect of intrastate commerse that the Founding States delegated to the feds via the Constitution is to regulate postal services, Clause 7 of Section 8 of Article I. Patriots who expect other “government” services on a daily basis from the president haven’t read the Constitution.

Military, treaty, intrastate trade and foreign trade issues aside, basically the only thing that Senator Palin or President Palin can do to help restore the Constitutional Republic is to help stop or veto appropriations bills that corrupt Congress cannot justify under the Constitution’s Section 8 of Article I.

82 posted on 05/04/2013 6:48:04 PM PDT by Amendment10
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To: Amendment10
Some patriots may not understand that Palin had much more constitutonal authority to serve the citizens of Alaska than the federal government has, same for all other governors and their respective state governments. As I mentioned elsewhere, one of the few powers to regulate any aspect of intrastate commerse that the Founding States delegated to the feds via the Constitution is to regulate postal services, Clause 7 of Section 8 of Article I. Patriots who expect other “government” services on a daily basis from the president haven’t read the Constitution.

Military, treaty, intrastate trade and foreign trade issues aside, basically the only thing that Senator Palin or President Palin can do to help restore the Constitutional Republic is to help stop or veto appropriations bills that corrupt Congress cannot justify under the Constitution’s Section 8 of Article I.

No kidding; one big problem is that statism is so ingrained in the general thought of the people that it's perfectly acceptable to push candidates who think there is a government solution to every problem (Romney and Obama are both Statists)... also bad is the idea that the President can raise/lower taxes or make/repeal law.

88 posted on 05/04/2013 6:54:14 PM PDT by OneWingedShark (Q: Why am I here? A: To do Justly, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with my God.)
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