One can think what one wants to think about the Kent State situation.
However, the bottom line is that after Kent State and Jackson State all, and I repeat, ALL of the mayhem on college campuses stopped, and I repeat, STOPPED!
Since you said campus, that may be, but a year later 13,000 Americans were arrested in Washinton DC and held in jails and deternment camps, and the 82nd Airborne and the United States Marine Corp were involved by the many thousands.
""At one point, so many soldiers and marines were being moved into the area from bases along the East Coast that troop transports were landing at the rate of one every three minutes at Andrews Air Force Base in suburban Maryland, about 15 miles from the White House. Among these troops were 4,000 paratroopers from the U.S. 82nd Airborne Division.""
On what planet?