Looks like a nice, civil plan without any “war.” There’s no “war on drugs,” you know, but the metaphor is funny. If there were a war on drugs, our military forces would have quickly won it with the blessings of the majority of the population a long time ago.
Sure there is a war on drugs. Nixon and Reagan both said so. Nixon created the DEA. We now have 40,000 SWAT raids on people every year now and going up. Innocent people are shot in these raids. Men with full automatics break into homes and out of hand ‘hush puppies’. We do employ the military and paramilitary forces in this drug war. For example, two hundred marines were recently dispatched to patrol Guatamala for traffickers. This drug war has our 4th amendment rights surrounded and is incrementally encroached on.
Now that the “war on drug drug abuse” is taking on a military nature the drug warriors are now uncomfortable with the metaphor they themselves invoked.
When the majority of the population saw what a military war on domestically produced drugs entailed, I'd hope they'd have more backbone and love of freedom left than to "bless" it. I know it's nothing any true American conservative could bless.